System M800 SO2 Scrubber Control

New Regulations will Require Lower SO2 Emissions from Sea Vessels


By installing a scrubber, the amount of SO2 can be significantly reduced.

In order to verify the scrubber efficiency and the resulting SO2 emissions, an accurate gas analyser for SO2 and CO2 is required.


Monitoring of SO2 and CO2

Process control of a SO2 scrubber on a ship is a challenge due to wet and corrosive gases.

In such environment, extractive gas sampling systems require high levels of maintenance in order to operate correctly.

Opsis M800 monitoring system solves this by using an optical, non-contact, cross-duct technique.

A light beam is sent across the duct or stack to be measured, and the captured light is sent through an optical

fibre cable to an analyser. The analyser measures SO2 and CO2 concentrations using UV and IR absorption,

approved reference methods.

One analyser can be connected to several measurement paths using an optical multiplexer, making a cost effective

solution for up to 12 monitoring points.


Opsis M800 is tested and type approved by Det Norske Veritas ( DNV ) for installation on Ships/Sea vessels.


Marine feeds M800  :  PLAY

Marine feeds M800










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